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Why we use zener diode across VGS of a MOSFET?


A Zener diode is often placed across the gate-source (VGS_{\text{GS}}) of a MOSFET to protect it from excessive gate voltage. Here are the key reasons why:

  1. Overvoltage Protection: MOSFET gates are sensitive to high voltages, and exceeding the maximum gate-source voltage (VGS_{\text{GS}}) rating can permanently damage the MOSFET. A Zener diode clamps the VGS_{\text{GS}} voltage to a safe level, preventing gate breakdown.

  2. Transient Suppression: During switching, voltage spikes can occur due to parasitic inductances or other factors in the circuit. A Zener diode helps to absorb these transients, protecting the gate from sudden surges that could exceed the gate oxide breakdown voltage.

  3. Ensuring Safe Operation: By clamping the VGS_{\text{GS}}, the Zener diode ensures the MOSFET operates within its recommended voltage range, allowing it to function correctly without overstressing the gate structure.

For example, if a MOSFET has a maximum VGS_{\text{GS}} rating of 20V, a Zener diode with a breakdown voltage slightly below this (e.g., 18V) can be used to ensure the gate is not exposed to damaging voltages.

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