Showing posts with label Microprocessor and Computer Architecture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Microprocessor and Computer Architecture. Show all posts
Introduction to Microprocessors
Reviewed by eeupdate
Rating: 5
Port Programming 8051(Assembly language) | EXAMPLE 1
Port Programming 8051(Assembly language)|EXAMPLE 1 Write a program to read status of the pin P 2.1 and send its complement to the pin P...
Port Programming 8051(Assembly language) | EXAMPLE 1
Reviewed by Satadru Mukherjee
Rating: 5

Radio-Frequency And Microwave Communication Circuits Analysis And Design by Mishra Devendra K.
This practical book presents a top-down approach to RF and microwave circuit design, offering a detailed introduction to the technology be...
Radio-Frequency And Microwave Communication Circuits Analysis And Design by Mishra Devendra K.
Reviewed by Author
Rating: 5

Operating Systems by Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, David R. Choffnes
The text goes beyond the standard coverage in operating systems courses with key chapters on multiprocessing, networking, distributed syst...
Operating Systems by Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, David R. Choffnes
Reviewed by Author
Rating: 5

Operating System Concepts:8th Edition Wiley Student Edition by Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne
Operating System Concepts: 8th Edition Wiley Student Edition covers important topics from the rapidly changing fields of operating system...
Operating System Concepts:8th Edition Wiley Student Edition by Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne
Reviewed by Author
Rating: 5

Understanding 8085/8086 Microprocessors and Peripheral ICs: Through Questions and Answers by S K Sen
This book, presented in a question-answer format, will be very useful for engineering students in the branches of Electrical, Instrumenta...
Understanding 8085/8086 Microprocessors and Peripheral ICs: Through Questions and Answers by S K Sen
Reviewed by Author
Rating: 5

Computer Organization & Architecture by Stallings
With clear, concise and easy-to-read material, the tenth edition of Computer Organization and Architecture is a user-friendly source for st...
Computer Organization & Architecture by Stallings
Reviewed by Author
Rating: 5

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